Lovers whose stars tried to cross!
One of the greatest literary destinations I've ever been priveledged to go has been Oregon! Or Washington state, I can't remember. Let me not forget a brief stint in Arizona. Nothing I've ever encountered could be more romantic than these two states (Arizona and/or Washington/Oregon(remember I can't remember)) At any rate these places are romantic because vampires live there. Oh and vampires are the most romantic entity in existance. Twilight is the literary masterpience, masterminded by the great and venerable Stephanie Myers (who is mormon KEN MORMON!). It is a brilliantly woven tail of two wouldbe star crossed lovers. I say wouldbe because nothing can stop true love, not even the racial perhaps even specieal boundaries that a cruel, unfeeling society would have created. Society just doesn't understand! -Which is why I shop at hot Topic- And society will never understand. But no matter Edward and Bella will be together! I write this entry as a result of this New Moon Movie coming out entitled "New Moon" All I hear from all my friends (Friends whose manhood I used to not question) is that they are "Team Jacob". Whose is Jacob? He's noboby! He doesn't even drink blood, which is a halmark of someone capable of the deepest love. Other signs include, but are not limited to, the ability to radiate in the sun as if one's skin is encrusted in diamonds, pale skin, and the ability to run up hills in cheesy 70's fasion while carrying one's lover on their back. Returning to the travisitc matter at hand "Team Jacob" how dare these infants challen
ge Edward's devotion!! How dare they blaspheme the love of an immortal. They critizie what they can't comprehend without the consideration of Edward's own pain. He loves Bella he loves her so much he leaves her! For once I wish society would believe a guy when he says "it's not you, it's me" Because this time it's true! He is selflessly denying himself, because if he doesn't HE COULD KILL HER! Allow me a moment to wipe off my keyboard. But this devotion is ruthlessly scorned! Just because another suiter appears with a six pax and a tan every gatabout turns their fickle selves on the one lover who loves most. I weeps inside. (the "s" on the end of weep was intentional(say it outloud to yourself while clenching your teeth)) And would die, inside, if I were not sure of Edward's self-surness. I have so much more to say but my grief for society's scorn of selfless love drives all thoughts from my mind. Leaving me to conclude:

That true love will conquer! As conquer it must! As conquer it shall!
kelsha warned me....and i wonder whether we should tolerate this intolerably sarcastic blaspheme of that which is most sacred to the pathetic readers of pop crap. maybe because it is terribly vicious in its degradation of those who dare to enjoy it....
I'll tell you what intolerable! The amount of work they must have put that Jacob kid through to beef him up! While looking for pictures most of them were a little while ago and he was a little flat chested pansy. I felt like a dirty petiphile rifaling through some of the pics!
oh aj, the depths of your devotion to destroying the depravity of despicable disciples of desensitizing drama is truly admirable.
p.s. like my alliteration?
The alliteration was fantastic Ken! I was only on the 3rd 'd' when I took a breath and said, "wow, what an alliteration" I then went on to cover 4 more! Finally I read the p.s. but I think the significant thing that shows the alliteration was a smashingly stupendous success is that I commented on its quality before I was finished and previous to your own indication of its existance.
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