Obviously this is the picture I would choose to use with Animal Farm, but when I saw the thumbnail I thought it would be something totally unrelated. But it says by George Orwell, maybe I'm an idiot but I didn't read anything about the animals tying up a cosmicly enhanced blonde, and there definatly wasn't a leopard/jaguar anywhere in the book. I know this for sure because my grandma has a jaguar so I'd certainly remember, pun intended. So I must conclude that this was made by some commie lover, because you can't love Stalin and Orwell. This book was fine, Luke was right it's not very cheery but I hate commies so I enjoyed their depiction as pigs. What I want now is to research the rise of communist Russia to see which characters are which in Animal Farm. I'm most interested in who Snowball is supposed to be and if he really left the country and they still blamed everything bad that happened on him. Also to see if it was really that horrible. Now I'm onto 1984, "at least I think it's 1984"
I think the book was an attack on the authoritarian tendency of man to want to rule his fellow people and showing how even the best intentions can go kerplunk in no time flat, not just an indictment of communists.
And I love the cover, I need to find that version. Finest in adult reading? Sign me up!
and maybe snowball was leo trotsky? i haven't actually read animal farm. hmmm....
Luke you either need to contribute more to this blog or not at all!(sardonic approach to a complement) Because you're like the kid who only comes to class on test day to ace the test and throws off the curve. Like (over the phone) you summed up way more from God Bless You Mr. Rosewater than I had ever even imagined. And that information and disection was a recall from years earlier when you read it. So you must contribute more often to bring us closer to your level where we (meaning me but I'm sure I've got "comrades" in this) don't feel so superficial in our readings, or don't contribute at all and leave us to our superficial responses which without you we would feel were deep, profound and insightful. I prefer the latter!(dang it! I wanted to use "prefer the latter" to make myself look smart but then I became unsure if I was using it correctly, which then forced me into this incoherent ramble of explanation that by "latter" I mean contribute more often, sheesh!)
I can't believe this is happening, but I agree with AJ. Luke, we need you! (We as in AJ and myself.) It has become painfully apparent to me that peoples associated/related to each other on this blog namely Kelsen, Kenny, and Luke seem to be awesomely good at this whole book blog thing.
hmmmm... I got it!
You guys must have eaten radio active alphabet soup as children. Didn't you. Didn't you! Didn't you? Just tell me!
I can't remember any radioactive soup, but I do remember eating a lot of paint chips.
and i was eaten by a shark in a dream which did uncounted levels of psychological damage.
We also lived under power lines. That helped.
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