I have finished a book, that's what! The Color Purple by Alice Walker.
(Not to say that I haven't read any other books between my last post and this one, just that the books I have read were of the more embarrassing, young adult variety, and would probably be frowned on in this circle).
Anyhoo, The Color Purple is a book about a black lady named Celie who grows up in the South and has a pretty terrible life, until she meets Shug Avery ("Shug" being pronounced like the first syllable of the word "sugar") and learns how to love and get close to God and other such business.
For some reason, I really enjoy books that are set in the South. Not enjoy, exactly, but...I eat them right up. Sort of like how some people like books about the Holocaust. The racism and insanity of the old South depresses me, but it also captures my attention, for some reason. That was what drew me to The Color Purple, anyway. It was a different experience--Walker writes it in the dialect of a black Southern person, so at times it was hard to read. It was short(ish) (about 250 pages), so I breezed through it in a couple of days. All in all, it was a good little read to kick-start my summer.
(Also, I got it from the Coalville library, which is probably my number one favorite thing about being home. I love that library, as small and hokey as it is.)
(Also, did you know that Oprah starred in the 1985 movie version of The Color Purple, directed by Steven Spielberg? I haven't seen it.)
Black people talk funny. And the movie's sad, Oprah's plays the woman who gets clubbed in the head with a sheriff.
Don't be afraid, this is a safe space. Well not for Twilight which is what I'm assuming is of "young-adult variety"
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