The long drought is over! I just finished The Inimitable Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse, and oh boy was it great.
It was basically the story of Bertie Wooster, a not-very-bright member of the Idle Rich in London society, who has a genius servant named Jeeves who is always getting him out of scrapes. It was published in 1924 and is chock-full of phrases like "old boy" and "in the soup" and "rummy" and "cove." It's very funny and very light, and perfect for mid-semester stress reading. I will probably be reading some more P.G. Wodehouse soon; I was impressed.
Also, you know the website ask.com? Formerly known as askjeeves.com? That Jeeves is the same Jeeves as P.G. Wodehouse's character! Isn't that crazy business!
I don't have much else to say about it, except I think that British humor might be my favorite of them all. I know this is a pathetically short entry; I apologize. I haven't been reading much of anything but textbooks and comic books, but next up I want to check out "Benito Cereno," a short story by Herman Melville.
I cannot believe it!! I simply cannot. I looked at the tab that said blogger dashboard and thought, "No there won't be any new posts." If I actually checked based on one last particle of hope or just misplaced habit, I'm not sure. Never the less there it was. A post!
A POST! Indeed! Seeing as how I'm officially bored at work I shall comment and tell you how fun this book sounds! I shall also prepare a mighty post!
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