Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Elegant Universe

The universe, when examined on a near-infinitely small scale, is composed of one-dimensional strings which vibrate at various frequencies and through whose vibrations the entire universe with its attending matter, gravity, energy, etc. is composed.

That is the basic gist of this pop-science read. It's a good book and I enjoyed getting the readers-digest version of what must be mounds and mounds and mounds of equations and theorizing. I must admit that several of the sections flew right through my cranium without any lasting stick, but on the whole it was quite the learning experience.

In my opinion, the best part of the book was his summary of Einstein's theories of general and special relativity. He did a phenomenal job at explaining why light will always appear to be going at the speed of light no matter our speed, how time is an extra dimension within which we all live and operate, how things like Black Holes do zany things to contemporary theories of the universe, and how string theory could solve all our problems.

For those of us interested in astronomy and the workings of the universe, I recommend this book!


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