Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bloody 'ell/ Jolly Good

Well Now this Sherlock show is very good Kelsen thank you and well done.
Likes: I'm always a sucker for classic stories set with a different backdrop. For example I hated The Importance of Being Ernest when I saw it at the Hale Theater. Why? Because they copied the movie with Reese Witherfork to the extreme point of even casting a girl who looked exactly like her in the corresponding role. They even extended their obscene lack of originality by pointing out in the playbill that the similarity between the girl cast and Reese WitheringHeights. I wanted to vomit. If it were me I would have made The Importance of Being Ernest crazy good by making the characters gothic kids, or at least emo brats. So Ernest when in town would be goth but normal when Jack and not in town, Algernon would be emo, as would Cecily (Her rebellious nature showing expressing itself in emo style), Gwendolyn would be punk rocker but stylish buying her threads at Hot Topic, yet secretly wishing to go darker, and Lady Bracknell would, of course, be flaunting classic  Victorian style, umbrella included (maybe 50's conservative (if I felt a little crazy)). The point being that I'm a sucker for pulling stories out of their traditional context. Even the 90's Romeo & Juliet, though not my fav I do give props to, and there's a version of Shakespeare's "As you Like it" that's set in Japan (I haven't seen it though I know it exists).
Casting. At first I thought the choice for Sherlock was an odd one. I've only seen that actor in one other thing. Being The Other Boleyn Girl where he played Scarlet JoHottissenn's (Who by the way is only 4 days younger than myself and a twin??) impotent husband. It's not an appealing role. But as it went on I became extremely pleased with the choice. You see our friend Jr. Robert is too endearing in his portrayal, this isn't a complaint he is superb in the role, but I liked how this other guy got under my skin a little bit. I loved the Watson guy he was great, he was such a conglomeration of traits, simultaneously exhibiting frailty and great strength, kinda goofy while at the same time stylish and attractive.
Not techy. Despite being set in the modern day I very much appreciated how they stayed focused on deduction and didn't bog the story down with technology. They stayed content with just a little cell phone use.
But most of all I loved that they swapped coke for nicotine patches!!! And that's all I really have to say on the matter.


Kelsen said...

How much have you seen? Because I will be posting spoily spoilers in my post on it.

AJ said...

Just the first of the three.