I read a little about this geeze on Wikipedia. This made me curious to know the opinion of the counsel. So? What do y'all know/think of this fellow who while standing in the door of his Idaho home, blew his paranoid head off with his favorite shotgun?
I love Hemmingway.
I think he is a genius as a writer and I don't really care about his personal life because...well...I didn't know him personally.
What makes him genius?
Holy crap, Hemingway's amazing. His story's are unique, his characters are complex, and his writing is very accesible and very deep. And he manages to balance realism and drama in a masterful way that never feels forced or hackneyed. Read 'The Sun Also Rises' and I guarantee you'll feel like you're in Spain: drinking beer, sweltering in the heat, dipping your feet in icy cold streams, watching a bull fight. That book felt tangible, more than any other book I've read. And 'For Whom The Bell Tolls' freakin' rocks because it's about fightin' fascists, among other things. Do yourself a favor and read Hemingway as soon as possible, you won't regret it. There's a reason everyone cites him as one of the greatest and most revolutionary writers of the 20th century. READ HIM!!
One of my favorite anecdotes about Hemingway is one where he told a group of people that he could write a great story in six words, and this is what he came up with:
"For sale; baby shoes, never used."
The fact that he could craft a narrative that socks you in the stomach in so few words is testament enough to his talent. He truly did have a genius for the craft.
Though I will admit that I am picky and choosy with my Hemingway. I love most of his short stories, but I got bored and found myself internally mocking "The Sun Also Rises" as I read it.
Hemmingway is like that kid in class that everyone thinks is just a stupid pot head until one day he stands up and says something that just blows everyone's mind.
I have never felt like I understood so much about a piece of writing while still feeling like it goes completely over my head as I do when I read Hemmingway.
PS Would I be correct in assuming you haven't read anything by Hemmingway AJ.
That is correct Kelsha. I linked from Ingrid Bergman to Hemmingway on Wiki. They were making For Whom the Bell Tolls into a movie and Hemmingway said Bergman was the only one to play the lead. Then he met her and said he was right. All I know is a couple titles of books, life sketch, and which books became movies.
I know you hate people correcting your spelling, but "Hemingway" only has one "m".
Hey Kelsi, exclude me from that correction. I spelled Hemmmmmmmmmingway's name correct.
haha I definately spelled it wrong.
But I would like to point out my punctuation choice on my last sentence. I didn't use a question mark because it was a statement more than a question. I already knew AJ had never read He'm'ingway.
Don't worry, Kelsha, I would never dare to even mentally criticize your punctuation. So your choice of a period versus a question mark never even came up.
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