So my last reading conquest was Walden, by Henry David Thoreau. It’s a collection of essays in which Thoreau waxes poetic about living alone in the woods for two years.
For some reason, it was hard for me to get through this. It took me a good solid three weeks to finish, and by the end I wanted to cut my throat with a piece of glass. I think I get bored a little too easily, and Walden bored me to no end.
There are a lot of beautiful quotes and pieces of wisdom in this book; they were just overshadowed by the self-righteous soliloquies about how wise Thoreau’s practices were.
I’m just glad to be done with it, to be honest. And to prove that I got something out of it, here is my favorite quote:
“Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations…their authors are a natural and irresistible aristocracy in every society, and, more than kings or emperors, exert an influence on mankind.”
Your post is number 100 on the blog!!
I see what you mean about Thoreau's self-righteousness. That quote is an acid drip of narcissism, as he is an author.
In honor of Thoreau let us all pat ourselves on the proverbial back in self-admiration for 100 posts.
Everyone break out your wine glasses, give a good toot in the flute, and whiff away.
Those transcendentalists were all a bunch of big-headed douches who thought their crap smelled like roses. They were the hipsters of their day.
100 posts! Let's go celebrate with a night of heroin and arson!
I have nothing against the transcendentalists in general; I think they have some very solidly idealistic ideas, which I appreciate. I do have something against Thoreau and his big crush on nature.
Also, I will admit that when I saw (a while ago) that we were at 97 posts, I got all excited for the 100th post and wondered if it would be mine. But then I forgot about it! My taking the 100th post glory was purely accidental. Awesome!
Nature makes me excited and I want to hump it.
Luke, please. We should respect nature.
In other news, you should talk to Ken about Teddy Roosevelt, he hates his guts. We actually were just talking about him last night.
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