Sunday, December 27, 2009

The End is in Sight

… Of my latest reading exploit, that is.

I am almost finished with Her Fearful Symmetry, which Kristin and Kenneth gave me for Christmas. It is an eerie, startlingly realistic book, and I wanted to share a quick quote of it as a preview to a later post:

“Being in love is…anxious,” he said. “Wanting to please, worrying that she will see me as I really am. But wanting to be known. That is…you’re naked, moaning in the dark, no dignity at all…I wanted her to know me and to love me even though she everything I am, and I knew her. Now she’s gone, and my knowledge is incomplete.”

Exposition: this was said by a character who is severely OCD, whose wife left him.

This is a beautiful book. I am excited to tell you all about it.

1 comment:

kristin brown said...

yay! i am excited to hear about it!