Friday, December 25, 2009

Give it a rest Rand, restore my imagination Jules

So the Fountainhead made me very tired to read. While it still calls to me with its siren song of self-absorbation. However I had to take a break, this need arose when Ayn baby introduced another character. This vexed me as I would prefer she just hash out the ones she's already got. This issuse of hashing is also what caused me to turn aside from the treatise of the ideal objectivismistic man. I began reading this book strictly for entertainment, this of course is impossible, but in the end this new character was the straw that broke this camel's back. I shouted to the cosmos(At least Ayn's), "I get it! I don't need to have this idea re-hashed for me for another 300 pages!" So while at the bookstore I saw a collection of three adventure novels by Jules Verne for $13. I had told myself I wanted to read Jules(note that I refer to these people by their first name(this is a classic rhetorical trick to create the sense of intimate association)) after watching the 3rd installment of Back to the Future, where he's referenced. So I bought it, left The Fountainhead in my mom's truck and dove into 20,000 leagues Under the Sea. It's been great! I read the intro and found out that Jules wrote only in French and most of the translations were horrible abridgements completely changing the originals. Also that movies based on his books have only furthered the inacurate idea that the general public has for the stories. This has been true as besides the names, there's little else in common between the disney movie and the book. He references physics terms which I'm fluent in, while it pains me to admit this I've paid a painful amount of money to know these things. It's a pretty long book and a great adventure. He pokes gentle fun at Americans and it great to look at adventure that is semi-common place in our modern times from the view of an 1800's author.

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