Pain is what I'm in, literary pain. I was floating along in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and I got tired of page after page of descriptions of fish. Fish that Jueles(his name is French so spelling is irrelevent) is assuming live off the coast of India or in the Mediteranian. In this boredom I felt a tremendous pull to pick up the Fountainhead again. I jumped back in with vigor, tearing through page after page. I've read so much I'm becoming an even bigger jerk than usual! Feeling I can say or do whatever I want, since I'm a god unto myself according to the great defeneder of selfishness Ayn. Everything was going great, I even read this book on the train and felt so smug and superior as I did so (ooo look at me I'm an intelectual) I was into the characters and just waiting for Howard and Dominique to join in their inevitable romance. The characters were beginning to get interesting all was moving nicely. Untill Howard and Dominique got together, this is what I was waiting for but this moment is a turning point in the novel. It's at this point that things turn psycotic!!! I was understanding the characters and the never ending and none-too subtle metaphores, then romance entered. Or Ayn's masacistic (I'm not sure of the spelling here or if this is the right word at the right time(I was scared to google it(the word I'm looking for is where people get their jollies from pain(dominatetress type stuff))) (HA! I was right but it's spelled masochistic(I searched dictionary first, then my poorly spelled masochism(I did not want nasty things popping up on my computer, my purity in this matter is 2nd to my hatred of masochists whose deviant nature make whips ugly and cause people to snicker when I mention them, also pervy sites come up when you search for whips because of these people and this too irritates me)) Ayn's own apparent masochistic nature. Now the novel has become full of crazies!! Howard Roark is no longer admirable because he's involved in some twisted sexual relationship. Rand sets it up so that you'll think these two people will be a great match but no!! They hate each other!! Dominique is a loon whom Howard rapes and she likes it. She even admits that if he wasn't raping her she wouldn't be getting her jollies off it! Then it gets really crazy when she decides she must join the rest of the drone world and destroy Howard, but her motives are different, but of course every character in this book's motives are, as they each represent something (ugh I'm so tired and my brain hurts so much from this book that I can't go into anymore detail of it's obvious metaphores, I'm exhausted!!) Anyway every time she diverts a commision away from Howard and to his enemy Peter (she does this so that Howard suffers as much as possible because a building he would have designed is then designed in the worst and most sacreligious way (to Howard) possible by Peter Keating)) she goes and shags Howard. Because she gets off on destroying him and then being ravaged by him. Can I get a ????? HUH ?????? My feeling is that while writing the book Ayn got sidetracked from presenting her ideal man and has deviated into a tangent of her ideal sexual relationship. I'm sure I'm write because I just watched an interview of her on youtube, and for being all, "F the world I'm selfish and independent" she sure has possibly the most shify eyes I've ever seen. It's one thing to hate commies and socialist but come on now. Maybe she thought if she created a philosophy so far to the other side people would come to the middle. Honestly I don't know if I can do it anymore, I burned through almost 200 pages without too much trouble and then it turned crazy. I'm so tired and in so much PAIN! Yet even now I'm questioning myself, "Can I finish? Can I leave it alone? Or must I finish?" Am I becoming a masochist? Is the Ayn's goal? Did she write this book as a form of tourture, so people could tourture themselves by reading it? And I can't even imagine Atlas Shrugged. It's twice the size of the Fountainhead and writen several years later. I imagine that being twice as long and writen later when Ayn's twice as in love with herself, it would be twice the tourture per page and being twice as long would leave you with four times as much pain! Can't I just make a deal with this book and start cutting myself rather than reading it?
HA. see now you understand why i stopped reading it soon after the inappropriate sexual encounter. i felt icky and sad for both of them. i don't think i'll be finishing it and you shouldn't feel obligated either.
p.s. i can't WAIT for kenny to read this post!
Aj, you're whack, but not like wiggedy whack, just the regular type. Just so you know.
you're all uncultured.
but ayn strayed far from the root with the weird twists of this book.
remember that the purpose of ayn's novels was for her to attempt to externalize her value system in a real world setting. it's not spot-on most of the time, but she hits the occasional spot where you can tell she's really onto something.
so finish the book aj, and quit being a girl.
and finish the book kristin, and quit being a prude.
First, Kristin you do not have to finish this book. As I recall if you feel icky, which is how I felt, it's a sign something is not of God. Second, I tried again last night before bed to read again and I couldn't do it. When I say it's painful I mean it. I may try and continue I haven't decided yet, besides I've gotten the gist of Rand's grist, no need to continue grinding myself through the mill of Ayn's intricate tourture.
Stop reading Ayn Rand, AJ. The world will be a better place if we just forget about that witch and let her ideas rot with her in the ground.
And Kelsha, you quoted Teen Girl Squad. I love you forever.
aj. one who watches south park is now and forever forbidden from castigating anything for its 'ickyness'.
i think we all need to read anthem again to rekindle the spark of randian love that inspired all of us to be individuals.
Ken, Rand inspired me to be an a**hole. I learned how to be an individual by actually going out in the world, earning my way, and generally living life. Rand had very little to do with it. Although she did engender in me a fetish for whips and chains...
HA you guys are funny. i like you.
i just don't like ayn rand.
sorry to be such a disappointment, kenny. :)
Luke you may masochate yourself with chains only! Leave my beloved whips out of it!
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