Calvinism (the main offshoot of Protestantism after Lutheranism) emphasized the doctrine of predestination and the role of true disciples to show forth an example unto other believers and non-believers. Those who were truly saved and called to salvation were believed to be blessed with temporal substance as a demonstration of their having successfully curried the favor of their Maker. This drive of proving oneself a saved believer through the manifestation of monied fruits pervaded a good portion of Protestantism and made its devotees peculiarly positioned to justify and secure the tenets of liberal capitalism with its equal emphasis on callings to work and individual reward based on merit rather than tradition.
Can I just say how much I abhor!! this doctrine of righteousness equals riches!! It's growing extremely pervasive in the Mormon religion and I believe will be the downfall of countless saints. The of happiness and comfort in poverty is what I call a blessing!
you only say that because we're currently mired in poverty. let's see what tune you're singing in a decade
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