oh. my. goodness. it is nearly one in the morning and i absolutely can't sleep. patrick o'brian has literally shaken my spirits to their pre-mortal core with this incredible tale of betrayal, bravery, and wholesome combat. while i am absolutely loath to reveal the secrets or insights into the workings of the plots of these wonderful books, i must break my vow to describe the final FIFTEEN pages of what may have been the best and most intense ending of a book that i have yet read. our very own captain jack aubrey and his trusted crew have been subject to betrayal and vice from an unknown mole within the british admiralty who has leaked the secrets of the service to the dastardly french in an effort to destroy the british' hold upon the mediterranean. while the intelligence agent stephen maturin has been busily aworking the case, other events transpire to send the
hms surprise to a trap set by the enemies of his majesty. in a gripping and heart-wrenching FIFTEEN pages of novel we see the
surprise and the
pollux led into a ferocious trap where through shear sailing superiority and ultimate temerity captain aubrey manages to escape after sending one of the french frigates to its bottoms on the bay of zambra, or treason's bay (which actually refers to a number of bays, but who's counting?). the book was incredible, if only for the ending!
Kenny I love how you rant about this book and then give it a 9/10. It A) makes your grading system legit, and B) makes me excited to see what you write about for a 10/10!
French people piss me off. Dang cheese-eating surrender monkeys.
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