So it must be self-help-type-book week, because I just finished a book called Creating Magic: Ten Common Sense Leadership Strategies from a Life at Disney. It’s basically about how to be a better and more effective leader, written by the former CEO of DisneyWorld.
Okay, yeah, I am a Disney geek, so obviously I enjoyed this book immensely. The strategies themselves were helpful but, like sub-title implies, sort of common sense, and can basically be boiled down to: “Don’t be a d-bag.”
The thing I REALLY liked about the book was all the stories Lee shared from DisneyWorld. There were seriously about three little anecdotes every two pages, and they just made my heart melt.
Like one time, a little boy lost his tooth at the Magic Kingdom and it fell down the drain. He was upset because it meant that the tooth fairy wouldn’t be visiting him, and a Cast Member noticed this. She called maintenance and they took the drain off, but they still couldn’t find the tooth. So the maintenance team made a fake tooth, wrapped it up beautifully, and had the family meet them later that day so they could present it to them, with a note that said Tinker Bell had found the tooth. WHAT. THAT IS SO MAGICAL IT MAKES ME WANT TO CRY.
Be cynical if you like, but Creating Magic was totally worth the read.
Also, I had an idea: what if we started utilizing the “tags” feature that Blogger offers? Just a thought. We could tag our posts with the genre of the book we are reviewing, like “fantasy” or “self-help” or “graphic novel,” et cetera et cetera. Eh eh?
How come no one saved us when we were lost in the park? We were cold and wet and alone! Where was our cast member savior?!
we had experiences to learn in the cold dark of our adventuring
I know, right? No one made an effort to make my dreams come true! They just let me cry by the Tomorrowland fountain!
Oh well. It taught me the very valuable lesson of never trusting anyone ever.
Glad we all learned our lesson.
Kenneth, did you even read my idea about tags? Do you think it's a good idea? Eh?
i just don't know how to do it
Luckily you are married to a blogging expert, or we would be in trouble.
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