Friday, February 12, 2010

the most important question anyone will ever have to answer. ever.

so here it is. the most important question anyone will ever have to answer. ever.

if you were stuck on an island abundantly supplied with food, water, and game (thus to insure a moderately positive chance of long-term survival) and were allowed to take only THREE books with you to read for the rest of your life, which would you pick, and why?

some framing for this paradigm: the scriptures all count as ONE book, so you can get away with that, and because i'm a nerd, you also can take scripture markers and pens. Also you may have several journals of personal choice to record notes in, so they don't have to count as books.

so there you go. we haven't been posting in a while. i know this isn't really a post but it's book related and it is sure to inspire us to think critically about the most important books in our lives. my post will be following shortly.

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