Thursday, February 18, 2010

The DaVinci Code. I would take the DaVinci Code, so I could burn the DaVinci Code.

(its an office quote)

My three?

1) The Standard Works (Its lame that it has to count as one of our choices but whatever.)

2) C.S. Lewis Signature Classics with As a Man Thinketh glued into the front. (AJ did it!).

3) The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. (He pretty much wrote every plot line that exists thus far so I have a feeling I wouldn't be missing anything else.)

Sorry no pictures. I'm too lazy :)


AJ said...

I wanted to say I'd take the Fountainhead, so I could burn it.

Kelsen said...

When I play this game with my neighbors, one of the implied rules is that we are all be going to the island together, so we can share books if we wanted to.

Therefore, perhaps my friend Kelsha would be willing to do sharesies (Mere Christianity for Peter Pan)? This way, I can have my cake and eat it too.

Kelsha said...

Of Course :)